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wake up during the night

美 [weɪk ʌp ˈdʊrɪŋ ðə naɪt]英 [weɪk ʌp ˈdjʊərɪŋ ðə naɪt]
  • 夜间醒来
wake up during the nightwake up during the night
  1. The sugar can disrupt the chemicals in your body causing you to wake up during the night .


  2. Don 't keep pets in the bedroom if they tend to wake you up during the night .


  3. Alcohol , the original nightcap , can help most people fall asleep . However , it also can cause you to wake up more during the night , wrecking your sleep quality .


  4. What I meant was , does she wake up a lot during the night ?


  5. When the apnea is accompanied by loud snorts and snoring , the bed partner may wake up as often during the night as the person with the actual sleep disorder .
